My Heart Is Breaking

My heart is breaking
for the next episode
of the “Final Solution”
to be broadcast live on
Tik Tok and Instagram

My heart is breaking
for the beautiful young
artist whose body and life
was stolen in a wall of flames
manufactured in a town near you.

My heart is breaking
for the surgeon who laid his daughter’s
broken body on their
kitchen table to saw off her
damaged leg without anesthetic.

My heart is breaking
for the miles of food and medicine
perished in stalled trucks under relentless sun
blocked by dancing settlers
who brought their children to see.

My heart is breaking
for the courageous young journalist
who defied orders to stop reporting
the mass murder of his people, silenced
by being burnt alive with the new napalm.

My heart is breaking
for the white shrouded bodies
of four newly born babies
who looked like Auschwitz and Buchenwald
as a Rabbi pronounced them all, terrorists.

My heart is breaking
for the millions of desperate people
fleeing exhausted and traumatized from
smashed homes to safe zones
where their tents became infernos we so nicely paid for.

My heart is breaking
for the legions of the chosen
who will one day awaken
to the echos of their jeers and revelry
with nightmares and insomnia.

My heart is breaking
for those of us who say,
they deserved what they got,
but who will one day say,
“My God, what have we done, what have we become?”

My heart is breaking
for those who continue,
despite all odds and evidence
to carry the light of love
and a vision of our species
at peace and wonder at last.

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